Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Getting the Most Out of Your AA Experience

AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is based on the idea that an individual may enjoy recovery following addiction through the process of letting go of aspects in their life they are unable to control, having faith in a higher power and living “in the moment”. If you are seeking recovery from alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous may be an option to consider. As they like to say in the program, “it works if you work it.” Learn how below! 


1 - Locate AA meetings that are close to work and home and attend them regularly. If you are new to recovery and the program, it’s recommended you attend meetings daily for the first 90 days, if at all possible.

2 – Choose and secure a sponsor. Sponsors are longtime AA members with experience in recovery and stability that can guide you through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous while promoting your progress along the way.

3 – Get involved! Volunteer for a service position within your alcohol 12 step program. AA service positions can be anything from representing your chapter at the national service organization to leading meetings. The more involved you are, the more you will get out of your involvement.

4 – Dive into the “Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous” on a daily basis. This applies especially on days when you are unable to make a meeting.

5 – Recite the Serenity Prayer when you feel upset or when triggers present themselves. This will help return your focus to the positive in the present.

6 – Life goes one day at a time. Address your recovery accordingly.

7 – Don’t be afraid to contact fellow AA members when you require assistance. The community is in place for a reason – use it when necessary. 

Life After Rehab

Rehabilitation from drug or alcohol addiction can last for weeks, sometimes months. Following treatment, patients must learn to cope with real world experiences and settings in order to ensure a healthy and long-lasting recovery. In this entry we will outline some of the challenges ahead, alongside strategies to help you through the transition.  


Aftercare is an important, even vital aspect of the recovery process. Types of aftercare can range from group and individual counseling sessions to education and 12-step programs such as AA.

12-Step Groups

Participation in 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous is highly encouraged for those recovering from alcohol and drug abuseissues. Most specialists recommend attendance at one of these programs daily for the first 90 days of post-rehabilitation recovery. Not only will your attendance promote a focus on your sobriety, and healthy interaction amongst others who have been through similar situations.

Living Arrangements

Though many patients choose to return home following rehabilitation, others may benefit from the additional support of a transitional living program or halfway house. These programs serve as a means for addicts to move smoothly back towards normal life without the stress involved with full immersion. Residents are generally required to obtain and maintain employment, pay bills, and complete household chores.


Temptation is an inevitable part of the recovery process. Whether through relationships, old haunts or experiences, temptation will often pop up at some point during the transition back to normal life. Preparation and awareness is key to ensuring that these temptations remain temptations, and not a full-scale relapse.


It’s not uncommon for friends and family members of an addict to feel some level of resentment, anger or disappointment following rehabilitation. Trust must be reestablished and cultivated in order to move forward from the experience. Some addicts may be forced to find new friends who support and encourage their recovery.

Alcohol Dementia Therapy

Excessive alcohol abuse can result in a condition known as alcohol dementia; posing a threat to mental ability and memory function. Fortunately, the condition can be treated when caught in the early stages. If alcohol dementia is afforded time to progress, it may prove more difficult to address the symptoms. In this entry, we will discuss some tips, treatment and therapy options available in combating this affliction.

Stop Drinking

Though it may seem obvious, the first and more effective means in combating alcohol dementia is alcohol abstinence. Though you may feel up to concurring this task on your own, it is highly recommended that you seek out an alcoholism recovery program to ensure proper support and treatment throughout this difficult transition.

Vitamin Therapy 

Once you have stopped drinking, it is important that you work with your physician to develop a customized vitamin therapy regimen. Most individuals suffering from alcohol addiction will experience severe vitamin deficiencies within the body. Taking steps to ensure adequate intake will work to promote a more comfortable and stealthy recovery.

Memantine Treatment

Depending on the extent of your memory loss, your addiction counselor may recommend placing you on a memantine regime. Memantine is a substance commonly used with Alzheimer’s patients, and can help to repair the damage done to your memory and cognitive skills.

Reminiscence Therapy

Reminiscence therapy is a treatment option used to help alcoholics recollect memories from their past that their dementia has caused them to forget. This treatment generally occurs in a group environment, discussing events you have experienced during childhood, familiar items and old photographs.

Physical Therapy

Alcohol addiction takes a toll on the entire body. As such, it’s important for those recovering from alcohol dementia to address the body as a whole through physical therapy.

Be Patient

Alcohol dementia treatment is no easy undertaking. Some patients require a year or more before a full recovery can be achieved. Patients suffering from the latter stages of this condition may never regain their entire memory or cognitive function. Still, there is always hope for those who try.

The Astonishing Effects of Smoking and Alcohol on the Brain

Read this before you have another drink or smoke another cigarette
Alcohol and tobacco consumption can result a variety of long- and short-term health issues. However, the most extreme risks lie in the potential for permanent neurological damage. In this entry we will discuss the toll of tobacco and alcohol on the human brain.

Nervous System

The chemicals found in tobacco products may cause white blood cells to attack healthy cells, resulting in the potential for disorders and neurological issues down the road.

State of Mind

Studies have found smoking to result in a decline in cognitive function 5x the rate of non-smokers. Diminished cognitive functions may eventually lead to mental deficiencies and dementia in later life.

Brain Damage

Prolonged and excess alcohol intake may lead to brain damage. As an example, numerous alcoholics eventually develop Wernicke—Korsakoff syndrome, causing an array of debilitating symptoms, including memory issues, confusion, and paralysis of the nerves responsible for eye movement.


Alcohol’s effect on the brain can be seen after only a drink or two. With excessive intake over a long enough use period, drinkers will experience increased memory deficiency.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy places the fetus at risk for developmental issues both early and later in life. Of these issues, perhaps the most difficult to stomach is fetal alcohol syndrome; a condition where children are born with fewer brain cells and smaller brains.

Learn more about alcohol abuse and addiction – Call Above it All Treatment Center today!


Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Missing Link - Drinking and Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a vicious disease found primarily in older males, which negatively affects the prostate gland – located in the male reproductive system. A variety of factors have been shown to contribute to development risks, including exposure to particular chemicals and family genetics. New research shows that heavy drinking may also play a part


According to the World Health Organization, an individual who consumes alcoholic beverages will increase the risk of cancer development in later life. Research shows that the risk remains even in individuals who do not consume enough alcohol to get drunk. Individuals who consume a moderate amount of alcohol on a consistent basis still appear to incur similar risks.


Connection between drinking and prostate cancer
Scientists have come up with a number of theories as to how alcohol consumption increases cancer risks. Some research suggests that the body actually converts alcohol into toxic chemicals – the cause of hangovers in heavy drinkers. This chemical is also theorized to cause irreparable damage to DNA cells, ultimately resulting in a cancer diagnosis. Alcohol can also increase estrogen, testosterone and other hormone levels while decreasing the body’s folate supply, all factors that contribute to cancer risks.

Prostate Cancer

In recent years, researchers have located a specific link between prostate cancer development and alcohol consumption. A study performed by scientists from Australia and America appears to indicate that males who consume a mere two drinks per day increase their risk of prostate cancer development by a whopping 20%! The study also concluded that the risk factor would increase alongside additional routine consumption. 

John Travolta Speaks Out Against Hollywood Drug And Alcohol Abuse

Travolta Speaks Out Against Hollywood Drug And Alcohol Abuse
Courtesy of:
As the Hollywood community mourns recent losses due to drug and alcohol abuse, actor John Travolta is seeking support for measures to counteract the ongoing issue.

“Something needs to be done about all the artists we’re losing to drugs, because I’m tired of it,” Travolta said recently.

The two-time Oscar nominee, who’s graced dozens of films since the 1970’s, said that his interest in the issue prompted him to offer an impromptu speech at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre’s 44thAnniversary Gala, asking friends and attendees to take action.

“I don’t want to lose any more artists. It’s too much already,” Travolta said. “There’s people that are looking for solutions, and their solutions are drugs and I understand completely. But when you have a program that is designed to help you solve those problems differently, but more immediately getting you off of drugs – cleaning your body of the adverse effects of those drugs, and then getting a new start, it’s not just a detox program; it’s a detox program that takes full responsibility for the reasons you started to begin with.”

Travolta’s wife, Kelly Preston has also spoken in regard to her own struggles with substance abuse, saying, “I’m so different… Now I don’t drink anymore. I don’t smoke anymore, I don’t do drugs anymore. All of those come with an ‘anymore.’ I used to do everything and a lot of everything.”

“With drinking, I just decided that I wasn’t always at my best.” said Preston. “It’s different in that I’m so much wiser. I know myself so much more now.”

Surprise! Why Alcohol And Tylenol Just Don’t Mix

Mixing even light alcohol consumption with Tylenol can do more harm than any intended good, say researchers.

A new preliminary study shows that using a small to moderate amount of alcohol alongside the recommended Tylenol do
Liver, Kidney Disease And Alcohol, Tylenol Acetaminophen Use
Courtesy of:
sage can result in a 123% increased risk of kidney disease.

“Most people take this medication without any input from pharmacists or physicians, and that’s where the public-health concern is,” said researcher Harrison Ndetan. “People buy acetaminophen over the counter, and they also are casual alcohol users, and they don’t know that there is a harmful interaction.”

Alcohol, Acetaminophen Use And Liver, Kidney Disease

Chronic alcohol abuse and chronic acetaminophen use have each been tied to liver and kidney disease separately.

“What has not been well-studied until now is the link between some regular alcohol use and regular acetaminophen use and increasing your risk of kidney disease above the risk of either of those used separately,” said Dr. Martin Zand, medical director of the pancreas and kidney transplant programs at the University of Rochester Medical Center in New York.

Results From Large Tylenol, Alcohol Use Study

During the study, data was analyzed from over 10,000 participants in the ’03-’04 United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Those surveyed were asked questions regarding acetaminophen use, alcohol consumption and health issues.

The research concluded that neither light to moderate drinking nor normal acetaminophen use separatelyposed any viable threat to kidney health.

However, roughly half of those who combined alcohol and acetaminophen reported kidney dysfunction.

It is not currently known whether similar interactions will occur with other types of painkillers.

Tips For Alcohol Sobriety While Celebrating

Tips to stay sober while celebrating
It can be difficult for many people to practice alcohol sobriety while attending celebrations. It may seem that no matter where you look, you will find people drinking and celebrating with various types of liquor, and you may feel the familiar sense of temptation to have a drink. However, if you are a recovering alcoholic, it is important to remember that even one drink can send you on a slippery slope down the road of alcoholism.

However, as a celebratory or sobriety survival guide will tell you, the important thing about staying sober during a festivity is to simply follow a few easy tips, each of which can help you fight away temptation while still celebrating with your friends.

Tips To Stay Sober 

Reconnecting with an AA group or its former members is an excellent way to get and provide much needed support during this difficult time. Invite each other over and share stories and talk about your personal successes over temptation. Even if you find yourself struggling just a little bit, you can call an AA friend and know that he or she will be there for you. There is no reason to feel alone while attending a party, because for as many people that will be drinking, there will also be those who will not be.

Depression is not an uncommon symptom of past alcohol abuse. Even a recovering alcoholic may feel depressed, and for such times, it is important to keep your spirits up without resorting to alcohol. This involves starting a hobby, finding an interesting television show, or grabbing a new book and immersing yourself in the story. If the depression becomes too severe, then it is a good idea to speak to your doctor about the possibilities of an antidepressant.

Offer to be the designated driver for people during the party. This helps in the tremendous way that it gives you an important sense of obligation to stay sober for the safety of your friends and family. By assuming responsibility for getting them home, you will be able to hold off on drinking.

Treatment For Alcoholism